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Mathematical theory of computation / Zohar Manna, Mathematics.

By: Manna, Zohar.
Contributor(s): Mathematics.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Dover books on mathematics: Publisher: [S.l.] : Dover Publications, 1974Description: 480 p. ; 21 cm.ISBN: 0486432386 (paperback); 9780486432380 (paperback).Online resources: Summary: With the objective of making into a science the art of verifying computer programs (debugging), the author addresses both practical and theoretical aspects of the process. A classic of sequential program verification, this volume has been translated into almost a dozen other languages and is much in demand among graduate and advanced undergraduate computer science students. Subjects include computability (with discussions of finite automata and Turing machines); predicate calculus (basic notions, natural deduction, and the resolution method); verification of programs (both flowchart and algol-like programs); flowchart schemas (basic notions, decision problems, formalization in predicate calculus, and translation programs); and the fixpoint theory of programs (functions and functionals, recursive programs, and verification programs). The treamtent is self-contained, and each chapter concludes with bibliographic remarks, references, and problems.
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With the objective of making into a science the art of verifying computer programs (debugging), the author addresses both practical and theoretical aspects of the process. A classic of sequential program verification, this volume has been translated into almost a dozen other languages and is much in demand among graduate and advanced undergraduate computer science students. Subjects include computability (with discussions of finite automata and Turing machines); predicate calculus (basic notions, natural deduction, and the resolution method); verification of programs (both flowchart and algol-like programs); flowchart schemas (basic notions, decision problems, formalization in predicate calculus, and translation programs); and the fixpoint theory of programs (functions and functionals, recursive programs, and verification programs). The treamtent is self-contained, and each chapter concludes with bibliographic remarks, references, and problems.

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