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Introduction to mathematical programming : Volume 1. Operations research

By: Winston, Wayne L.
Contributor(s): Venkataramanan, Munirpallam.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Publisher: Australia Thomson Learning, 2002Edition: 4th ed.Description: 924 p.ISBN: 0534359647 (paperback); 9780534359645 (paperback).Subject(s): Programming (Mathematics) Programming (Mathematics)DDC classification: 658.4033WIN Online resources: Click here to access online Summary: Authors Wayne Winston and Munirpallam Venkataramanan emphasize model-formulation and model-building skills as well as interpretation of computer software output. Focusing on deterministic models, this book is designed for the first half of an operations research sequence. A subset of Winston's best-selling OPERATIONS RESEARCH, INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING offers self-contained chapters that make it flexible enough for one- or two-semester courses ranging from advanced beginning to intermediate in level. The book has a strong computer orientation and emphasizes model-formulation and model-building skills. Every topic includes a corresponding computer-based modeling and solution method and every chapter presents the software tools needed to solve realistic problems. LINDO, LINGO, and Premium Solver for Education software packages are available with the book.
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Authors Wayne Winston and Munirpallam Venkataramanan emphasize model-formulation and model-building skills as well as interpretation of computer software output. Focusing on deterministic models, this book is designed for the first half of an operations research sequence. A subset of Winston's best-selling OPERATIONS RESEARCH, INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING offers self-contained chapters that make it flexible enough for one- or two-semester courses ranging from advanced beginning to intermediate in level. The book has a strong computer orientation and emphasizes model-formulation and model-building skills. Every topic includes a corresponding computer-based modeling and solution method and every chapter presents the software tools needed to solve realistic problems. LINDO, LINGO, and Premium Solver for Education software packages are available with the book.

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