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Database design / Ryan Stephens, Ronald Plew.

By: Stephens, Ryan.
Contributor(s): Plew, Ronald.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: [S.l.] : Sams Publishing, 2001Edition: 1st ed.Description: 528 p. ; 23 cm.ISBN: 0672317583 (paperback); 9780672317583 (paperback).Online resources: Summary: Database Design is the book you need to master the fundamentals of relational database design in today's ever-evolving world of database technologies. This book takes an approach to database design to teach the reader how to reach into the inner depths of an organization to understand the business needs, data, and daily processes that will all blend together to formulate a successful database. Much emphasis is placed on logical design as it is imperative to understand the inner workings of an organization to produce the highest quality database, while proactively eliminating future problems that are not so easy for a beginner to foresee. Additionally, topics such as change control, business rule integration, database security implementation, and legacy database redesign are covered in detail. Examples of SQL code are shown to portray implementation tasks of a relational database. Examples are compliant with ANSI standard.
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Database Design is the book you need to master the fundamentals of relational database design in today's ever-evolving world of database technologies. This book takes an approach to database design to teach the reader how to reach into the inner depths of an organization to understand the business needs, data, and daily processes that will all blend together to formulate a successful database. Much emphasis is placed on logical design as it is imperative to understand the inner workings of an organization to produce the highest quality database, while proactively eliminating future problems that are not so easy for a beginner to foresee. Additionally, topics such as change control, business rule integration, database security implementation, and legacy database redesign are covered in detail. Examples of SQL code are shown to portray implementation tasks of a relational database. Examples are compliant with ANSI standard.

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