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Cryptography, automata and learning theory / D. Thomas Gnanaraj, D. Thomas Gnanaraj, P. Abisha Jeyanthi.

By: Gnanaraj, D. Thomas.
Contributor(s): Gnanaraj, D. Thomas | Jeyanthi, P. Abisha.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: [S.l.] : Alpha Science Intl Ltd, 2010Description: 300 p. ; 25 cm.ISBN: 8184870493 (hardcover); 9788184870497 (hardcover).Online resources: Summary: Cryptography is the art and science of ensuring secrecy and security of data. On the other hand, learning theory deals with inferring an unknown concept with partial information. Applications of automata and formal languages in the fields of cryptography and learning theory are of current interest and research. The book on Cryptography, Automata and Learning Theory focuses on the recent trends on these three main areas of research which have strong theoretical foundation with more practical applications.
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Books Books Central Library, QUEST, Nawabshah

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Books Books Central Library, QUEST, Nawabshah

Welcome to the Central Library, QUEST, Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan

001.64THO (Browse shelf) Available 42820
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Cryptography is the art and science of ensuring secrecy and security of data. On the other hand, learning theory deals with inferring an unknown concept with partial information. Applications of automata and formal languages in the fields of cryptography and learning theory are of current interest and research. The book on Cryptography, Automata and Learning Theory focuses on the recent trends on these three main areas of research which have strong theoretical foundation with more practical applications.

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