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Visual basic 6 /

By: Rahmel, Dan.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: [S.l.] : Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1999Edition: 2nd ed.Description: 451 p.ISBN: 0078825768 (paperback); 9780078825767 (paperback).Online resources: Click here to access online Summary: Develop everything from flexible code to advanced Internet applications easily with the power of Visual Basic and the expertise of this well-organized guide. Packed with precise programming syntax, this real-world reference covers all of the new Visual Basic 6 features and includes commands, keywords, and object diagrams for VB, VB Script, and VB for Applications. Visual Basic 6 Programmer's Reference, Second Edition is alphabetically arranged for easy access and loaded with expert programming advice on VB and its subsets - their differences, uses, and comparative commands. Keep this book on hand to find quick solutions to all of your programming challenges.
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Develop everything from flexible code to advanced Internet applications easily with the power of Visual Basic and the expertise of this well-organized guide. Packed with precise programming syntax, this real-world reference covers all of the new Visual Basic 6 features and includes commands, keywords, and object diagrams for VB, VB Script, and VB for Applications. Visual Basic 6 Programmer's Reference, Second Edition is alphabetically arranged for easy access and loaded with expert programming advice on VB and its subsets - their differences, uses, and comparative commands. Keep this book on hand to find quick solutions to all of your programming challenges.

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