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Digital & analog communication systems / Leon W. Couch.

By: Couch, Leon W.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: 7th edition: Publisher: [S.l.] : Prentice Hall, 2006Edition: 7th ed.Description: 747 p. ; 24 cm.ISBN: 0131424920 (hardcover); 9780131424920 (hardcover).Online resources: Summary: Exceptionally up-to-date, this book provides a broad introduction to basic analog and digital principles and their application to the design and analysis of real- world communication systems. It provides readers with a working knowledge of how to use both classical mathematical and personal computer methods to analyze, design, and simulate modern communication systems. MATLAB is integrated throughout. Study-aid examples and homework problems are included, many of which require solution via a personal computer. MATLAB illustrative examples and plots are included. Balanced coverage of both analog and digital communication systems with an emphasis on the design of digital communication systems. Case studies of modern communication systems are provided. Over 500 problems provided. For electrical engineers.
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Exceptionally up-to-date, this book provides a broad introduction to basic analog and digital principles and their application to the design and analysis of real- world communication systems. It provides readers with a working knowledge of how to use both classical mathematical and personal computer methods to analyze, design, and simulate modern communication systems. MATLAB is integrated throughout. Study-aid examples and homework problems are included, many of which require solution via a personal computer. MATLAB illustrative examples and plots are included. Balanced coverage of both analog and digital communication systems with an emphasis on the design of digital communication systems. Case studies of modern communication systems are provided. Over 500 problems provided. For electrical engineers.

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