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Pascal / Elliot B. Koffman.

By: Koffman, Elliot B.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: 5th edition: Publisher: [S.l.] : Addison Wesley Longman, 1995Edition: 5 Sub ed.Description: 731 p. ; 24 cm.ISBN: 0201526743 (paperback); 9780201526745 (paperback).Online resources: Summary: Elliot Koffman has made it even easier to learn introductory programming concepts with Pascal. Incorporating the best of earlier editions, this book offers carefully refined explanations in a streamlined exposition. Featuring a new design, this shorter text allows students to concentrate on the essential topics. As always, Koffman makes the important connection between problem-solving skills and effective software development.
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Elliot Koffman has made it even easier to learn introductory programming concepts with Pascal. Incorporating the best of earlier editions, this book offers carefully refined explanations in a streamlined exposition. Featuring a new design, this shorter text allows students to concentrate on the essential topics. As always, Koffman makes the important connection between problem-solving skills and effective software development.

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