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Introduction to Graph Theory /

By: West, Douglas B.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Publisher: New Delhi: Pearson, 2015Edition: 2nd ed.Description: 470 p.ISBN: 0130144002 (hardcover); 9780130144003 (hardcover).Subject(s): Graph theoryOnline resources: Click here to access online Summary: This book fills a need for a thorough introduction to graph theory that features both the understanding and writing of proofs about graphs. Verification that algorithms work is emphasized more than their complexity. An effective use of examples, and huge number of interesting exercises, demonstrate the topics of trees and distance, matchings and factors, connectivity and paths, graph coloring, edges and cycles, and planar graphs. For those who need to learn to make coherent arguments in the fields of mathematics and computer science.
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This book fills a need for a thorough introduction to graph theory that features both the understanding and writing of proofs about graphs. Verification that algorithms work is emphasized more than their complexity. An effective use of examples, and huge number of interesting exercises, demonstrate the topics of trees and distance, matchings and factors, connectivity and paths, graph coloring, edges and cycles, and planar graphs. For those who need to learn to make coherent arguments in the fields of mathematics and computer science.

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