Schaum's outline of programming with structured basic / Byron S. Gottfried.
By: Gottfried, Byron S.
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001.6424FIN Pascal : an introduction to methodical programming | 001.6424FOR Standard fortran programming / | 001.6424GIL Pascal programmes in science and engineering / | 001.6424GOT Schaum's outline of programming with structured basic / | 001.6424GRE A course in apl/ 360 with application | 001.6424HOL Structured Programming in Cobol / | 001.6424HUG Programming the ibm 1130 / |
Today's most popular programming language is taught here with the up-to-date features of its use. Students will learn to enjoy developing logical, efficient and orderly programs, and can do so with this study guide almost immediately! Most of the nudreds of programming and answered drill problems require no special mathematic or technological background. Five appendixes summarize, for ready reference, the principle features of both True BASIC and QuickBASIC/QBASIC.
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