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Probability & statistics for engineers & scientists /

By: Walpole, Ronald E.
Contributor(s): Myers, Raymond H | Myers, Sharon L | Ye, Keying.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Publisher: [S.l.] : Prentice Hall, 2009Edition: 8th ed.Description: 848 p.ISBN: 0131877119 (hardcover); 9780131877115 (hardcover).Online resources: Click here to access online Summary: With its unique balance of theory and methodology, this classic text provides a rigorous introduction to basic probability theory and statistical inference, motivated by interesting, relevant applications. Offers extensively updated coverage, new problem sets, and chapter-ending material to enhance the book’s relevance to today’s engineers and scientists. Includes new problem sets demonstrating updated applications to engineering as well as biological, physical, and computer science. Emphasizes key ideas as well as the risks and hazards associated with practical application of the material. Includes new material on topics including: difference between discrete and continuous measurements; binary data; quartiles; importance of experimental design; “dummy” variables; rules for expectations and variances of linear functions; Poisson distribution; Weibull and lognormal distributions;  central limit theorem, and data plotting. Introduces Bayesian statistics, including its applications to many fields. For those interested in learning more about probability and statistics.  
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