Reed, B. Cameron.

Quantum Mechanics / - 1st ed. - [S.l.] : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2007. - 422 p. ;

Quantum Mechanics and its applications are a vibrant, central part of today’s research in both experimental and theoretical physics. Designed for the one-semester course, Quantum Mechanics expertly guides students through rigorous course material, providing comprehensive explanations, accessible examples, and intuitive equations. This text’s in-depth coverage of essential topics, such as harmonic oscillator, barrier penetration, and hydrogen atoms, skillfully bridges the gap between sophomore introduction texts and lower-level graduate treatments. Students will find this user-friendly text, with numerous examples and applications, sets a solid foundation for future courses in the area of Quantum Mechani

0763744514 (hardcover) 9780763744519 (hardcover)

Quantum Mechanics

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